I’m thrilled to be an Artist in Residence at Vienna’s Q21, nominated by host organization this human world.

Though borders have now shifted, my mother lived the first six years of her life in the refugee camps in southern Austria as she commenced a life that would see her live in three continents and become a refugee twice in her life by the time she was 30. This residency will support on-site research and image gathering / making towards developing structure for a new experimental documentary that reflects on this history.

I will also sit on this human world‘s expanded shorts jury and deliver an artist lecture on Can the political be experimental?,” providing an overview of the works of Latin Canadian filmmakers Franci Duran and soJin Chun, alongside my own work.

I will additionally participate in a number of public and private studio visits while in Vienna, both as a filmmaker and a curator.


I acknowledge the support of the Canada Council for the Arts, Q21 and this human world, for enabling me to attend this artist residency.


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