I’m thrilled to announce that my short documentary, Unarchive (2020), will screen at the Uppsala Short Film Festival, Friday, Oct 28 at 9 PM.

Unarchive screens as part of The People’s Revolt: Rewriting the Future, a special program curated by Anto Astudillo.

In 2020, Chileans democratically voted to write a new constitution that would replace the one imposed in 1980 under Pinochet’s dictatorship. This long civic process of reflection and of rethinking a new Chile, continues today with different challenges, as the country tries to reach an agreement that represents the majority. This new civil consciousness of the Chilean people was triggered by a popular movement that manifested vividly with massive protests between October 2019 through March 2020.


Chile’s latest political events have inspired a series of film programmes under the title The People’s Revolt that includes works ranging from experimental cinema, essay video, poetry in motion, found footage, performance and documentary approaches. In The People’s Revolt: Rewriting The Future, we focus on a possible revolution led by the people and the question of what constitutes a significant change for a country that wants to rewrite its own history while dreaming of a better future.


Curator: Anto Astudillo

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