- Dark Warria – dir. Patricia Pichun, video art, 2016, HD, 3:18 – Spanish
- Cantera Metrenco – dir. Patricia Pichun, video art, 2016, HD, 0:53 – no dialogue
- Conun Huenu – dir. Patricia Pichun, video art, 2016, HD, 0:53 – no dialogue
- Pajaros – dir. Patricia Pichun, video art, 2017, HD, 1:05 – no dialogue
- Niños – dir. Patricia Pichun, video art, 2017, HD, 1:54 – no dialogue
- Tren – dir. Patricia Pichun, video art, 2017, HD, 2:54 – no dialogue
- Üñüm – dir. Patricia Pichun, video art, 2018, HD, 2:23 – no dialogue
Patricia Pichun is a self-taught media artist who works principally in photography and has recently commenced work in video art after participating in a Mapuche video art workshop (together with Carmen Ñancuvil) in Temuco in 2016. Pichun’s evolving work in video is strongly focused on the documentary image and sound, as clearly influenced by her background in photography.
Pichun’s Mapuche identity is central to her experimentations as an artist. She describes an affinity for the natural landscape that surrounds Temuco and often uses those surroundings as the backdrop for her photography and film practice. This work is not without its danger, as she has described being shot at by local farmers for her incursion onto their land. Pichun’s work also documents the experience of growing up in the communities surrounding Temuco, with the constant threat of police raids, as evoked in her work by the sound of the surveilling helicopter.
The Temuco-based Pichun currently lacks access to the technical tools needed to develop further as a filmmaker, as Chile lacks in the non-profit media art access systems typical of Europe and Canada that could provide a broader-range of artists with a larger range of technical tools. Pichun is currently working and experimenting with consumer media tools, including online editing tools and online music samples, to make her videos.